AW Cloud Database - Windows App version 5.5

Printing Grids

Printing Grids

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Printing Grids

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038-gridPrint The Reports Module includes many useful reports. However, something different than what the formal reports provide might be needed. In this case, the powerful features of the major grids provide access to additional data analysis and output. To print data from a grid as an ad-hoc report:

1.Sort, customize visible columns, and apply filters or groupings to the grid. Only records visible in expanded nodes will be printed.
2.Click the Print Preview button in the toolbar to open the Print Preview dialog.


3.Use the Format button to add a Report Title, Footnotes, Page Numbering, etc. The toolbar also has other typical tools for managing the printer and page settings before printing.
4.After making the desired selections, click the Print button or use the Export to PDF button to create an external file to attach to an e-mail.