AW Cloud Database - Windows App version 5.5

Exporting Data from Grids

Exporting Data from Grids

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Exporting Data from Grids

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039-gridExport  Save a grid's data to an external file format by exporting the data. The following formats are supported: Microsoft Excel, HTML, and Text files with ' ~ ', ' | ' or ' , ' used as field separators. Exported data could be used for a mail-merge, importing data into another application or generating a specific report. To export a grid:

1.Sort, customize visible columns, and apply filters or groupings to the grid, then select Export... from the Grid menu to open the Data Export dialog:


If groupings are applied, only those records visible in the expanded nodes will be exported.


2.Select the output file format from the drop-down menu.
3.Select the folder where the exported file will be saved.
4.Either accept the default filename or enter a preferred filename to use when saving the file.


Do not add an extension to the filename since the Windows App will do that.

5.Click Run. The grid's data is exported to a file with the specified name in the specified folder.