AW Cloud Database - Windows App version 5.5.6

The Attendance Grid

The Attendance Grid

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The Attendance Grid

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Use the Check-in module's Attendance Grid to perform data entry for items such as: Club and Church Attendance, Dues Pd, Offering Amount, Uniform, Bible, Book, Bonus, Visitors, Game Points, etc.  Most columns are check boxes for quick and easy data entry.  Some columns, like Game Points and Other, allow numeric values to be typed directly in the grid.


Key Points

Remember to customize the grid as desired.
Use the Show: components in the toolbar to get a custom view for a specific data entry task.  For example, set the grid to show only Active clubbers in Sparks.
Use the incremental search capability to quickly locate a specific clubber.
Turn on the Speed Check feature to avoid constantly repeating clicks for Uniform, Bible, and Book, so those columns are automatically checked as soon as the Attend Club column is checked. Configure which check boxes are affected under Admin > System Settings > Options  > Check-In.
Mark (or clear) attendance for multiple members at once by multi-selecting records and using the right click pop-up menu option of Set Attendance > Present/Not present.
Click in the Game Points cell and type a numeric value to enter points earned for Game Time.


To award points to everyone on a Team Color, group by Team Color and filter the attend column to show only those who attended. For each color group, enter the points in the Game Points cell for the first person, then press the down arrow and enter the next one. Continue until all records for that team are completed.

Change the Team Color assignment by clicking the cell and selecting a different color.


A change in Team Color directly in the cell applies to only the current week.

To change the Team Color value in the Role and for all future weeks, use the right click pop-up menu item to "Set Role Team Color". Prior weeks are not changed to preserve historical data. To change the Team Color for a prior week, adjust the Current Club Date in the main toolbar prior to making the change or open the Member record and make the change on the Attendance tab for the desired week.

Excuse an absence by selecting a clubber/s and then using the Excuse > item under the Action menu (or from the right click pop-up menu).
View valuable statistics by grouping on Team Color, Team Name, or Leader Name.  Drag the appropriate column header into the grouping area above the grid and notice the statistics shown for each node: Number Present, Total Points, Average Points Per Clubber, Total Required Sections completed, and Average Number of Sections per Clubber.
Create ad-hoc reports using the Preview/Print feature.
The Handbooks Section grid can optionally be shown along side the Attendance grid. To do so, select the Show/Hide the Handbook Sections toggle button near the right side of the toolbar.


Using the Handbooks section grid along side the Attendance grid will slow down performance. For best results, use the separate Handbooks section grid.

Dues and Posting payments

Hide the Dues header band if weekly dues payments are not collected.
If weekly dues payments are collected, click the Dues Pd check box when a single weekly dues amount is received.  However, if weekly dues are $0.50 but a clubber pays $1.00 or more, type over the default Dues Amt Pd and change it the received amount.
Any amount entered in the Dues Amount Pd cell is assumed to be cash and is applied exclusively to the dues for the selected clubber only.  Thus, if dues money is paid that is for more than one clubber, mentally divide up the amount and apply it to each clubber separately.
For money received for books and uniforms, do NOT check the Dues Pd check box or type any value in the Dues Amt Pd field.  Instead, open the Household Ledger and post the payment there.  Any money applied to Fees representing Dues will cause the Check-in grid's Dues related check boxes and fields to be automatically filled in.


A quick way to open the Household Ledger is to use the money sign button in the toolbar.