The following will list the clubber's Filing_Name and Sections_Done for all sections that were marked as completed between {starting date} and {ending date}.
Note you will need to modify the actual dates within the braces and keep the same YYYY-MM-DD format and single quotes. Copy only the text between the dashed lines. The paragraph breaks are not important and are only used for readability.
Comment: This takes several seconds to run and it is possible the SQL Workbench window will disappear momentarily and once the processing is complete the workbench window ends up in the background behind the main form's window. If this happens, just click the "# files open" button in the main toolbar and select the SQL Workbench to bring it back on top.
Works with version
P.Filing_Name, Count ('aCount') as Sections_Done
Person P, Book B, Section S
where S.Person_ID = P.Person_ID and B.Book_ID = S.Book_ID and P.Person_ID = B.Person_ID and S.Completed_Date between '2006-09-01' and '2007-03-08' and S.Completed = 'Yes'
Group by P.Filing_Name