Author Topic: Can I delete old versions of handbooks?  (Read 9176 times)

Rick Leffler

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Can I delete old versions of handbooks?
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:27:10 AM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Question: I would like to "delete" some of the old versions of the handbooks that we no longer use as choices when assigning handbooks to children.  For example, there are 3 version listed for Ultimate Adventure 1 and we only use 2010 version.  All the options lead to mistakes when assigning books, especially for new people who are joining us and don't understand the history of why there are 3 books listed there, even though they are checked as obsolete.  I can't find where I can make this change.  Could you help?

Answer: The older generic handbook records can't be deleted. Those exist for tracking historical data and at times, some clubs have older books to use before ordering the newer ones. However, it can make the selection process confusing if all of those books are showing when assigning handbooks. The solution is to identify which books are 'in use' by your club:

In the Legacy database go to Admin > Curriculum. In the Windows App go to Admin > System Settings > Curriculum.

Open the book record for a book you don't want in the list anymore.
Clear the checkmarks from the "In Use" checkboxes.

Then, also open the book record for a book you DO want in the list.
Be sure the 'in use' boxes are set for the correct translations.
For additional clarification, enter a note in the "Handbook Assignment Dialog Note" field. This note shows in the list of books when assigning a handbook to help users select the correct book.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:54:21 AM by Annette »