Author Topic: How do I record the date a leader's background check is complete?  (Read 11228 times)


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How do I record the date a leader's background check is complete?
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:50:08 AM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Question: We would like to input the date that our leaders had their background checks done but are unable to see how to do that.  How do we record this information?

Answer: Open the leader's member record. Go to the Leadership tab, then select the Training History tab. Click on "Create a new leader training record" (the icon with the +). This will open a training record dialog for the selected leader. Use the drop down to select background check (or just begin typing for a match). Enter the remaining information related to completion, then click "Save and Close". [Training records may also be entered from the Leaders > Training History tab.]

Note: Training records may be added automatically when a new leader record is created. In the Leagcy database, go to Admin > Generic Lookups. In the Windows App, go to Admin > System Settings > Generic Lookups. Select "Leadership Training" on the left. In the grid on the right, for each training item, indicate if it is required or not and if the training item should be automatically added when the leader record is created. {See the screen shot below.} Background checks are a good example. Since every leader needs a background check training record, choose to automatically create it. To track completion, select the record, open it, and update the information.

Tip: Consider auto-adding any required training items to the leaders' records.

Tip: New/custom training items may be added to the Generic Lookups grid.

Tip: After creating and updating the background check training record for all leaders, the information will be shown on the Leaders > Training History grid. Filter the grid to show only background checks and completed = "no" (or blank) to see who still needs to have the background check completed (or who is missing the completion information). {See the screen shot below.}
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:54:31 AM by Annette »