This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.Here are the basic steps to setting up your inventory:
Customize the inventory for your club. Indicate which items your club uses so only relevant items are listed instead of the full inventory. For details, see this post:
Set up the inventory details for the items you use. Open an inventory item. (See below for a screen shot of the dialog.) First, set the Sell Price.
This is the amount that will be used when a fee is created for this item. Second, set the current Qty in Stock.
Legacy only additional option: At the bottom of the tab, set the information for automatic reordering (see also the Admin set-up below). In the screen shot, when the Cubbies Uniform Vests get below 3 in stock, the item will be added to an order using a quantity of 10. For more information on the automatic inventory reduction and ordering process see this post:
Third, on the Club Usage tab, indicate how this item is used so it shows in the appropriate drop down lists. Indicate if it is an Award, a Fee, a Uniform, or annual dues. A default Expense Category Name may also be set. [Tip: custom expense categories may be added. In the Legacy database, go to Admin > Generic Lookups. In the Windows App, go to Admin > System Settings > Generic Lookups. Choose "Expense Categories" on the left and add new category names on the right.]
Admin setup of the Inventory and Ordering options (Legacy database only). Go to Admin > Options > Inventory and Ordering. Read through the information provided and check the boxes for preferred options.
Note: with automatic inventory reduction feature turned on, the inventory is adjusted when an item is assigned, regardless if the item is marked as "received" or not. See this post:
[updated link 1/19/16 akj]