This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.Question: We print out Check-in and Progress Report Worksheets by Leader. Is it possible to sort by leaders on the Check-in grid to make data-entry faster?
Answer: Yes!
The Leader Name column needs to be visible.* Click the tiny button in the upper left corner of the grid in the 2nd header row to get a drop down check list of all available columns, then select the Leader Name checkbox.
To sort by Leader Name: click in the Leader Name column header (click again to reverse the sort).
Another option is to group clubbers by assigned leader**. Drag the Leader Name column header into the "grouping" area above the grid. Expand and collapse each node as needed to perform the data-entry.
* For more details about showing/hiding columns in the grid, see this topic:** For a screenshot of the Check-in grid grouped by Team Color (applies for any grouping, like Leader Name) with group statistics, see this topic: a complete guide to working with grids (sorting, filtering, grouping, etc.), see this video: