sarmen: Sorry for the delay in answering this post. I was trying to hold back in hopes that others would jump in here. I want to encourage other folks to participate in the forum so it isn't always me answering.
------------------ answer ---------------
For those grids that support multi-select (which are most of the major grids), you can use the standard Windows functionality to select multiple records. For example:
A single click on a row will select that particular row, but if you hold down the Ctrl key before you click another row, the first row remains selected too. You can repeat this Ctrl + click to keep selecting additional rows. Ctrl + click is great for when you want to select several NON-contiguous rows.
If you want to select several contiguous rows, let's say 10 rows, click the first one and then hold down the Shift key and then click the 10th one, and all records in between will be automatically selected.
To select all rows, with focus in the grid press Ctrl + A.
If you have selected several rows, but realize you want to un-select just one of the rows you can use the Ctrl+Click to unselect just the one row.
Once you have your target records selected, you can then right click within the highlighted rows and activate the popup menu. Be careful to right click WITHIN the selected area, otherwise if you end up on an unselected row all of your selections will be cleared.