Author Topic: Delete or Erase the Notes Field  (Read 8065 times)


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Delete or Erase the Notes Field
« on: August 22, 2018, 08:05:17 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

We use online registration so I use the import feature at the beginning of each club year.  We have a question on our form "How did you hear about our AWANA club" and I have it set to import into the Notes field.  Question: Is there a procedure I can run to delete or erase all of last year's notes in the "Notes" field of a clubber's file so that I would only see the current imported answer?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:20:42 AM by Annette »
Director of Preschool & Children's Ministries
First Baptist Church
Live Oak, Florida


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Re: Delete or Erase the Notes Field
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2018, 08:41:41 AM »
We definitely need to be able to clear the "Persons Authorized to Pickup Clubbers" every year because this is a SAFETY ISSUE as those names can change constantly and it appears that the import feature just adds names instead of replacing names
Director of Preschool & Children's Ministries
First Baptist Church
Live Oak, Florida


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Re: Delete or Erase the Notes Field
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2020, 09:51:06 AM »
Sorry that we missed responding to this, but I thought it was still worth addressing this issue for anyone that is interested.

First, to clear the notes field, run the following statement using the SQL Workbench (In the Legacy database, under Admin > Database Utilities. In the Windows App, under Tools in the main menu bar): Update person set Notes = null.

Warning!! This will clear EVERYTHING in the Notes field for EVERYONE in the database.  If you have concerns about this, please contact customer support for assistance.

Second, if the "Non-parent Pickup" field is mapped during an import, the new information will replace the old information for those members that are imported. It does NOT clear the information for members that are not included in the import. I'm wondering if it would be helpful to include an option during the New Year Setup to clear that field, similar to the options given for clearing the permission-related fields.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 10:52:19 AM by Annette »