If none of the existing formal reports will give you what you want, the next best thing (until a formal report can be added to a future update) is to use the SQL Workbench.
You can save and re-use an SQL statement each week. The results grid can be easily sorted, grouped, filtered and printed (even to PDF) or exported to Excel. And, you can add a Title right there using the "Report Title" field on the SQL Workbench screen. Further, when you click the Preview/Print button you can select Page Orientation and other features and even add headers and footers to the output.
Using the information in your first post in this topic I put together an SQL statement for you to get started with. Copy the following text and paste it into the SQL Workbench and run it, then apply a Filter to the Club Name column header to limit records to a specific club, and then if you want clubbers grouped by Leader and/or Team Name or Team Color then drag one or more of those column headers into the grouping area of the grid. Once you've got things looking right, click the Preview/Print button in the toolbar.
select P.Filing_Name "Clubber Name", P.Birth_Date "Birth Date", P.Grade, P.Gender, R.Club_Name "Club Name", R.Team_Name "Team Name", R.Team_Color "Team Color", P.Primary_Book "Primary Book", P.Leader_Name "Leader Name"
from Person P, Role R
where P.Person_ID = R.Person_ID and R.IsPrimary=True and R.Club_Year = '2012-2013' and P.Member_Type='Clubber' and P.Status='Active'
order by P.Filing_Name
Finally, remember to use the "Save SQL" button in the workbench's toolbar to save this sql statement for later use. Then, when you do need it in the future, use the "Open SQL" button to reload it.
Let me know if this helps and also after you've had time to tweak your report let me know exactly what you want in the form of a future formal club roster report and I'll add that to the list of future enhancements.