Author Topic: HH Contact Information Suggestion  (Read 8148 times)


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HH Contact Information Suggestion
« on: August 09, 2012, 08:45:11 AM »
Note: This request applies to the Cloud database's Windows App as well as the Legacy database.

I think this has been addressed/suggested before but the way we are supposed to assign an e-mail address to each active clubber (so the gather e-mail tool works per club), leaves us with a long list of e-mail addresses in teh contact field.  When printing Clubber or Leader lists and contact information or when printing pre-populated registration forms, there is too much information showing.

Here is my suggestion:
1) The primary e-mail should be the only one that prints in the reports or forms.  This doesn't address the situation when the clubber may have his own e-mail address, however, maybe the db could be configured to print unique e-mail addresses and their associated contact, thus if the clubber's assigned e-mail is the same as the primary, it won't print.

2) If a record is marked private, it currently is masked on the registration form or report.  Could you configure the system to not even list/print them if they are marked private.  In this scenario, the clubber's e-mail address that is the same as the primary could be excluded from the reports/forms, however I don't know if this will affect the gather e-mails tool. 

I like the ability to assign an e-mail to each member so we can get an e-mail distribution list for each club but I can't effectively get the leaders and household to update their contact information if it is populated with so many e-mail addresses that they can't see the other contacts.

Thanks. Jason
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:54:57 AM by Annette »