Author Topic: Export to Excel  (Read 6692 times)


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Export to Excel
« on: June 12, 2013, 03:01:51 PM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Comments from survey:

We need to export the reports to excel.  My leaders want to use the info for van check-in and check-out lists and other things. I would also like to customize a report and export it to excel.

When I export data for printing clubbers names, I would like 2 fields, one for first name, one for last name. Then I can sort and print anything in excel. Maybe that's already available. Don't know.

I would like the ability to export reports to pc.

I need reports in Excel format.

I would prefer reports in Excel rather than PDF, so that I can use the data as I wish.

Tip:  Ad-hoc reports can be created by customizing data in the grids (hiding, re-sizing, and rearranging columns as well as grouping and filtering). Once the grid is customized, it can be exported or printed. See this post for a video on ad-hoc reporting:

To have separate fields for the first and last names, hide the "Filing Name" column and show the "First Name" and "Last Name" columns before exporting the grid. For details on hiding columns, see this post:

Once the grid is customized, the data can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. From any of the major grids, locate the Grid button on the far right of the toolbar. (It looks like a gear.) Click the down arrow and choose "Export". Select the output format, the folder location for the file, and the name of the file.

Formal reports may also be exported to Excel (or pdf or other formats). From the report dialog, click "print". On the print dialog, choose the "Export" option. Select the type of file and where to save it. Note: this does not print the raw data. It prints the formal report format which is designed for the printed page.

If you need help getting specific information, please contact support and provide details of the desired results. We may be able to provide a way to accomplish the task, or work on an enhancement to meet the goal.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2023, 03:28:56 PM by Annette »