I couldn't easily think of a query that narrows the list down to exactly what you want. I think it would require pl/sql or some logic within the application. But by running the following query, you would at least have all the info you needed in one report.
The results show all of the session dates for which a clubber attended & the total sections that were said on that date. You'd just have to find the last two entries for each clubber & check that at least one of them has sections done. Within the query, I narrowed the list down to 'Active' & 'Visitor' clubbers & to those not in the 'Awana' or 'Nursery' club. Make sure you adjust those values (or remove them if you want all clubbers) to meet your needs.
SELECT P.Person_ID,PS.Club_Name,PS.Team_Color, P.Mailing_Name AS "Name", PS.Session_Date, PS.Sections
FROM Person P, Person_Session PS
WHERE P.Person_ID = PS.Person_ID and
P.Member_Type = 'Clubber' and
(Status = 'Active' or Status = 'Visitor') and
PS.Club_Year = '2009-2010' and
(PS.Club_Name <> 'Awana' and PS.Club_Name <> 'Nursery') and
PS.Attend = 1
ORDER BY P.Mailing_Name
Hope this helps!