Author Topic: Can I get a list of clubbers who are present along with parent names & phones?  (Read 11876 times)

Rick Leffler

  • Guest
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.


We want to print a quick list, during club, of the clubbers that are present that particular day, with phone numbers (all for that child), if we should need it in an emergency. 

We're looking at club safety/security and fire drills. In the event of a real fire, and we evacuate the building, we would want to have something with us on the laptop (or paper) that has a simple list of everyone's names and phone numbers, so we can start to call parents if needed. I know I can print the list of all clubbers, but we have so many that are registered that come infrequently, that this would be pages and pages of unnecessary information. Ideally if there were 50 kids present, we could pull up the 50 kids with just the phone numbers.  Is this possible? 

Answer: Yes. Here are some possibilities:

Use the Clubber List and apply a filter to the Last Attend column so ONLY those clubbers who have a Last Attend value = {the Current Club Date} will appear in the grid. To print a hard copy, hide the unneeded bands and columns and then Preview/Print the grid. [Note: this will only get the PRIMARY phone for each family.]

It might also be a good idea to periodically run (and print) the various Contact List reports (Clubber, Leader, Household) and have those available in an 'evacuation' file for reference. While they would include all members instead of only those in attendance, they are more comprehensive in the phone numbers that are included and could be used as reference in situations where the primary phone was not adequate.

If attendance was marked as clubbers came in and the database is on a laptop, the laptop could be taken out if evacuation was necessary. At that time, a filter can be applied based on attendance and all contact information would be available. Even in this scenario, some printed contact information would be helpful to be able to distribute information to multiple leaders to begin contacting parents.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:06:10 AM by Annette »