This is our first year with Awana, so we are choosing not to do the Awana store to keep things a little simpler. How often do you run the store, and how want to keep track of bucks "spent?"
If you are opening the store monthly, during the third month, how will you know to exclude bucks spent in the first and second months?
From what I can figure, I'll need to manually create a report in order to capture the info that the store manager will need. I can look on the clubber grid to easily see how many days each clubber has attended & award one share for each. And I can run the Achievement Report to easily see how many sections a clubber has completed. Then I'm planning on adding those up in my head, along with the "Other Points" and typing them into an Excel or Word document next to each clubber's name.
Not necessarily, the following solution will at least save you the trouble of typing each clubbers name and adding up the various data points. It can be modified depending on how you manage your store/keep track of shares spent.
1) Go to Admin->Database Utilities->SQL Workbench
2) Copy and paste the text below into the white open window:
SELECT P.Person_ID, P.First_Name AS "First Name", P.Last_Name AS "Last Name", SUM(PS.Attend + PS.Sections + PS.Other_Points) As "Awana Store Shares"
FROM Person P, Person_Session PS
WHERE P.Person_ID = PS.Person_ID and PS.Club_Year = '2009-2010'
3) Select "Run SQL"
4) You can select Export to send the data to Excel
5) You can also "Save SQL" so that you can store these commands on your computer and open and run them later.
The AwanaStoreShares is the sum of the following columns for all club weeks during the 2009-2010 club year: Attendance, Sections Completed, and Other Points. You'll need to change the text above 2009-2010 each club year.
One way that you could keep track of bucks "spent" is entering negative values into Other Points--the commands above will continue to work, but this has other consequences when adding up all points to determine the night's winners.
There are other ways the commands could be written to accommodate how you run your store--just let me know and I'll see what I can do.