Author Topic: Extend AW's analytical and reporting capabilities by using the SQL Workbench  (Read 15092 times)

Rick Leffler

  • Guest
Do you sometimes need a view of your data or a special report that goes beyond what's currently available in AW's major list views and canned reports?  If so, the SQL Workbench may be just the solution!

You can use the SQL Workbench (accessible under Admin > Database Utilities > SQL Workbench) to delve deeper and more creatively into your data and extend AW's functionality.

This topic is where folks can share their custom SQL statements and discuss how to make the most of this module.   

- Remember that you can copy and paste SQL statements directly from this forum into your SQL Workbench screen
- From the Workbench, you can use the toolbar buttons to Save and Load SQL statements to/from a text file making it easy to reuse them in the future. 
- Don't forget to take advantage of the Workbench's powerful grid capabilities allowing you to hide columns, apply filters, and perform sorts and groupings on your result set. 
- You can Preview/Print and/or Export data from the grid using buttons on the toolbar.

Note: If you DO share some SQL that you've written, please include the applicable AW version you've tested it with so those who would like to use it can be advised of compatibility.   It would also be nice to have some comments at the top giving a brief description of what the SQL statement will do.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 03:07:57 PM by Rick Leffler »