Author Topic: What is Error #11013 (or #11010) Access denied to table or back up file "#####"?  (Read 11488 times)

Rick Leffler

  • Guest
This post only applies to the Legacy database!


Error messages referencing files that have a purely numeric name, like "12345" are caused by another software program interfering with the database engine's temp files. This may happen during an update, when running the Optimize procedure, during a database check-in procedure, or when running one of the more complicated reports, like the Current Handbook Status report.

The most common program to cause this is an anti-virus utility because it "sees" a new file and immediately tries to scan it at the same time the database engine is trying to use it.

Another possible cause is having the Approved Workman folder monitored by a utility such as DropBox or any Backup Utility. (It's ok to write backup files into a monitored folder, but NOT a live database folder.)


1. Be sure the Approved Workman folder is NOT being monitored by DropBox or any backup utility that runs constantly in the background. Note: This can happen if AWdb is installed under a Documents folder and the Documents folder is monitored by DropBox.

2. Set the location for AWdb to use for temp files. From the login screen, click the Utilities button and choose "select the folder for the local temp files".  Navigate to your Approved Workman folder. (The path is shown at the bottom of the login screen.) Note: The TEMP path can also be set by going to Admin > Options > Paths. In the field for "Database engine TEMP* files", click the ". . ."  button and navigate to your Approved Workman folder.

3. After making corrections, exit and restart AWdb. Try the task again that caused the error.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:04:36 AM by Annette »