Author Topic: How do the Inventory and Ordering features work?  (Read 12316 times)

Rick Leffler

  • Guest
How do the Inventory and Ordering features work?
« on: April 03, 2008, 09:48:03 PM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Following is a basic overview of the Inventory and Ordering features.  For specific details on setting up the inventory, see this post:

The Inventory module includes all of the Awana catalog items and also allows custom items to be added.  It is used to track inventory quantities in stock and help with inventory depletion and ordering.

In general, the Inventory and Ordering works like this:

Certain events involve using an item from inventory such as:
  a) assigning a handbook or uniform
  b) completing sections that trigger awards
  c) creating Fees for items like book bags
  d) entering an Award manually

For each item used from inventory during these events, the database reduces the Inventory Qty in Stock. In the Legacy database, if the current Qty in Stock level matches the re-order level, the item is added to an open Order. If there is no open Order at the time, a new Order will be created.

Items can also be manually added to an order using the button in the toolbar of the individual item or by adding line items directly to the Order form. Multiple items may be added at once from the main Inventory List grid. Apply a filter to show only records with Qty in Stock < 0, use Ctrl+A to select all records and use the right click pop-up menu to add all of the items to an Order.

Orders have a possible status of:
  a) Open - line items may be added/changed/deleted
  b) Submitted - line items are locked and read-only
  c) Received - line items are editable; new columns appear to mark the items 'received' and indicate quantities received or on back-order. As items are marked as received, the quantity is added to the item's Qty in stock level.
  d) Closed - line items are not editable; the Order is considered fully checked in and complete.

To submit an order, use the Print button to get a hard copy of the order, then use it as a worksheet for ordering online at Awana HQ.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2023, 02:59:26 PM by Annette »