Community Contributions > Defects
Cubbies Inventory Green Emblems
Green Emblem 11092 is discontinued, but when the patch is earned for completing Entrance Booklet, it comes up with that item and not 11093. That item shows it is a Book Award and doesn't automatically show received. Is that correct?
The award for completion of the Cubbies entrance book is a book level award and won't default to received.
As to the item that is triggering, we updated the section group triggers for that new green emblem but neglected to update the book level award that also used it.
I fixed your database so the new 11093 will trigger. You may want to review your inventory counts and make sure the quantity in stock is correct for 11093 since that is the one that will be decreased now.
I also removed the multi-pack ordering information on 11093. The 'regular' item is a pack of 20 and that is the only way it comes.
For anyone else that needs to change this:
*Go to Admin > System Settings > Awards > Book Awards.
*Select Base Club Name = Cubbies; Book Name = Apple Acres Booklet (Yr1).
*In the grid on the right, select the existing award (11092) and set the Expiration Date. (We generally use 6/30 prior to the club year with the change but you can use any date you would like.) Then, click the checkmark at the bottom of the grid to post/save the change.
*Above the grid, click where it shows 'click here to add new row' and begin typing "Green.....". Select "Green Apple Achievement Emblem" (11093) from the dropdown. Set the Effective Date. (We generally use 7/1) and the Expiration Date (12/31/2030 is our current default.) Click the checkmark at the bottom of the grid to post/save the change.
*Repeat for Book Name = Apple Acres Booklet (Yr2).
Note: if item #11093 (green emblem) does not come up as a selection, go to the Inventory record's Club Usage tab and be sure it is marked to be used as an Award and also as a Book Award.
Thank you.
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