Author Topic: How do I activate a member that is Archived?  (Read 10361 times)


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How do I activate a member that is Archived?
« on: September 17, 2021, 12:18:33 PM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!

Question: I have a clubber that attended sometime in the past but was archived. Now I need to make him active again, but I have no idea how to do that.

Answer: Most of the time a member's status is archived because there is not a role for the person in the latest club year. To activate the person, a role needs to be created.

Step 1: Locate the person.

In the Windows App, use the Search Members field in the far upper left corner (NOT Search Clubbers or Search Leaders above the grids). Type just a First Name OR a Last Name and press ENTER. If there is only one match, the member record will open. If there is more than one match, a dialog will open with a list of matching persons. Open the member record for the target person.

If you have multiple people to activate, use the Household module to locate members. Set the Show: selector to (All Statuses). Select the family in the list of households on the left. Then, select a member on the right to open the member record.

In the Web App, use the Search button (magnifying glass) next to the filter button in the main toolbar (NOT the search above the Member List). Begin typing a First Name OR a Last Name. Matches will be shown in a list. Select the target person to display his data.

Step 2: Add a role record. (Ensure the latest club year is selected in the Club Year dropdown).

In the Windows App, on the Main tab of the Member record, click the "New" button above the Roles grid in the lower left corner (or double-click in the grid) to open the Role dialog. Fill in the applicable information and save the record. Once a new role is created, the member will be included in the Clubber or Leader list.

In the Web App, go to the Personal tab and click the pencil to edit the record. Click the Add Role button. Fill in the applicable information and save the record.

Note: In some situations - generally later in a club year - a member may have a role in the current club year that has the status set to archived. In that case, the person can be activated by updating the status in the role from Archived to Active within either app.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:51:07 AM by Annette »