Author Topic: What are the "w/Start Zone" books?  (Read 10959 times)


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What are the "w/Start Zone" books?
« on: September 30, 2020, 11:53:19 AM »
This post is applicable for the Cloud database as well as for the Legacy database.

Question: What is the difference between the "Discovery of Grace" book and the "Discovery of Grace w/Start Zone" book? Which one should I use?

Answer: For the newer T&T books, awards are given when 4 sections are completed. For the 32 sections that result in the 8 awards, 2 are in the Start Zone and 30 are in the main handbook. Awana indicates that completion of the Start Zone is required before beginning work in the main handbook. Therefore, when 2 sections are completed in the main handbook (i.e. Discovery of Grace), it is assumed the 2 Start Zone sections have already been completed and the first award triggers.

We heard from many clubs that it was not uncommon for a clubber to work in the main handbook before completing the entrance book, so the award that triggered after 2 sections in the main handbook was not accurate since the 2 Start Zone sections had not actually been completed.

We also heard that it would be easier to assign one book that included the Start Zone sections instead of assigning a separate Start Zone.

The result was the new "w/Start Zone" versions of the books. These books have 32 sections - the 2 Start Zone sections and the 30 main handbook sections. The first award will trigger after any 4 sections are completed without consideration of it being a Start Zone section or a section in the main handbook.

If I use the "w/Start Zone" version, will my inventory counts be updated correctly? Yes. The inventory count will be reduced for the matching Start Zone's inventory record (based on translation).  (i.e., for "Discovery of Grace w/Start Zone - ESV", the quantity in stock will be reduced for "Mission: Discovery of Grace - ESV" as well for the "T&T Start Zone Entrance Booklet - ESV".)

Should I use the "w/Start Zone" version? This decision is dependent on how your club is run. Here are some considerations:

1. If completion of the Start Zone is always required, there will not be any issues with the award triggering by assigning the separate Start Zone and main handbook.

Example: for a visitor, assign the Start Zone by itself. Then, when it is completed, assign the original version of the main handbook.

2. If completion of the Start Zone is not required, or a clubber begins working in the main handbook first, use the "w/Start Zone" version so it accurately counts 4 sections before triggering the first award. Caution: if the clubber doesn't actually get the handbook, be careful about options for creating fees and reducing inventory.

Example: at the beginning of the year, for returning clubbers who will complete the Start Zone sections and continue in the main handbook (who have probably already purchased the main handbook), assign the "w/Start Zone" version with the appropriate inventory reduction and fee creation.

Do all my clubbers need to use the same version of the book? No. Some clubbers can be assigned the "w/Start Zone" version and others assigned separate Start Zones and handbooks based on the situation. Just keep in mind the implications for the different way the sections are counted for awards.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:51:16 AM by Annette »