Community Contributions > Enhancement Requests
Feature requests for Year Tab reports
Eric Berry:
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database's Web App!
All of these are on the Club>Year tab.
- Ability to sort handbooks list by handbook.
- Ability to sort awards list by award name and date earned.
- Add a list of clubbers that attended on a specific date.
- Add a list of clubbers, the date that they last attended and the number of times that they have attended, along with the ability to sort by last attended date and number of times attended.
* Ability to sort handbooks list by handbook - details on how you use this/what task you are trying to accomplish would be helpful.
* Ability to sort awards list by award name and date earned - details would also be helpful on this one.
* Add a list of clubbers that attended on a specific date - you can get this by setting the Current Club Date to the desired date and then using the Display Options on the Member List to show only members who are present. Since this applies to only a single date, it doesn't seem to fit on Club > Year.
* Add a list of clubbers, the date that they last attended and the number of times that they have attended, along with the ability to sort by last attended date and number of times attended - these have all been added in the 1.6 updates.
Eric Berry:
1. On the Windows client, I frequently sort by handbook and then by percent completed to see a list of how much each clubber in a particular handbook has completed.
2. On the Windows client, I frequently sort the award grid on by date and then by award, or just by award and then filter on only book awards and unit 4 silvers/golds so that when we have our awards ceremony I can read off only those kids names. Since award and date are the only other remaining fields on that screen, they should be included to provide half on the desired functionality. It would then be nice to add and award filter like check each of the award names you want to see.
3. OK
4. OK
Update (1/31/22) - in version 2.1.0 of the Web App, the sort options requested in 1. and 2. above were added.
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