Author Topic: Projecting Citation Awards on report  (Read 12385 times)


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Projecting Citation Awards on report
« on: February 14, 2016, 07:00:43 PM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

This is an issue with only our seniors.  In the status report, it is showing a Meritorious Award to be earned instead of the Citation.  All of these clubbers have earned the Meritorious.  The cumulative tab for Journey shows the Citation for 10th award.  Am I missing something or is this a defect?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:26:59 AM by Annette »
Maureen Cooper
Tri-City Church, Vista CA


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 11:29:09 AM »
I was not able to reproduce this as you described. Mine showed a Citation Award upon completion of the 4th year Journey requirements.  However, I did see a situation when a Meritorious was listed after it had already been earned, so there is something going on with this report. It seems to be just the report though, the actual awards that are triggered are correct.  We will investigate the issue with the report.

It will help us track this down if you can provide some additional information:

Is it happening to all of your seniors (that would be eligible for the Citation)? or are there some showing the correct award?

Do you have the separate Bible readings assigned for each of the 4 years?

Of the two handbooks and Bible reading plan assigned for the current year, what are the completion statuses?  (I'm guessing one handbook is complete and the other in progress.  Are there any clubbers with the Bible reading completed also?)

If anyone else is seeing something similar on this report, please let us know.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:42:52 PM by Annette »


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2016, 01:23:55 PM »
--Actually, the Citation is for the 10th book completed, not 4th year of Journey requirements.
--This is happening with all my seniors and all of them are earning the Citation.
--The Bible Readings were part of the assigned main study.  This year they are a separate assignment.  I don't have an    award assigned for them under the Book Specific tab.  I only have the award for the Main Study assigned.
--For this year, some of the main study books are completed.  No Bible readings are completed.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:42:59 PM by Annette »
Maureen Cooper
Tri-City Church, Vista CA


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2016, 10:55:05 AM »
Yes, my mention of the 4th year Journey requirements assumed completion of all prior books counting for cumulative awards (those who already earned the Meritorious Award and will be meeting the Citation requirements). Sorry for the confusion.

Journey clubbers have to complete 2 Study Guides and 1 Bible Reading Plan in order for it to count as 1 cumulative 'handbook credit'.  After the Meritorious award (6 cumulative handbook credits), they need 4 more 'credits' to get the Citation. AWdb will only count '1 credit' for a Journey clubber if there are 2 completed Study Guides and 1 completed Bible Reading Plan. So, to get those additional 4 cumulative credits, they need 8 Study Guides and 4 Bible Reading Plans.

I know that some of the Study Guides included the Bible Readings, but triggering Journey awards was implemented after they were separated out and works from that model.  AWdb can't evaluate completion of the Bible Readings that were tracked inside the Study Guides. It will not recognize that they are eligible for the Citation unless they have 8 Study Guides and 4 Bible Reading Plans in addition to the prior 6 handbooks from T&T and Trek.

It's easy to simply assign the Bible Reading Plans from the prior years and then immediately check the 'done' box. [We recommend using the last club date of the year it was completed.] Any original completion dates will still be in the actual handbooks for historical accuracy.  This will simply allow the awards to trigger properly with the new setup.

It sounds like that is all that you need to do for your Citation awards to show up correctly on the report for your seniors.  This will also ensure that the awards trigger properly once all the work is completed!  Let us know how it goes.

There is still a bug in the report that causes it to show the Meritorious award instead of no award, though.  So, we will continue to investigate that.

One other note - you mentioned that you have awards assigned for the main studies/study guides.  Are you referring to the Journey Year Pins?  Those will now trigger automatically with completion of 2 Study Guides and a Bible Reading Plan in a club year.  These do not show up on the Current Handbook Status Report.  We do know about that defect and will address that, but the Journey Pins will now trigger each year.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 09:41:38 AM by Annette »


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2016, 03:50:25 PM »
Going back and assigning the Bible Readings and showing them completed did add the Citation to the Report.  One is still showing the Meritorious in addition to the Citation.   
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:43:14 PM by Annette »
Maureen Cooper
Tri-City Church, Vista CA


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2016, 11:59:37 AM »
Glad that fixed it (for most of your clubbers)!  The other is probably related to the actual bug in the report.  We will investigate that.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:43:21 PM by Annette »


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2016, 09:45:43 AM »
Just more information if you need it to find the 'bug'.  I have two (that I have found so far) clubbers that it seems like it is having trouble figuring out the awards for.

The first is a Trek clubber who earned his Timothy last year (and the 3 T&T awards before that are in the system too).  When he finished his Trek 2 this year, it showed that he needed his Trek Milestone Award and his Excellence Award even though both were in the system.

The second is a Journey clubber who has finished his 1st year of Journey.  When I entered that he completed his Bible Readings for the year, it correctly showed that he earned his Journey 1 pin, but also showed that he earned his Alpha Award (which also was already in his record from year's past).

I am manually correcting the db so it shows the right awards, but thought I would give you some extra info.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:45:01 PM by Annette »
Laura Uldrich
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Frisco Bible Church
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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2016, 10:29:32 AM »
Thanks for the additional information.  It is always helpful to have specific examples of what is happening and will help us track down the bug.

You reference "the 3 T&T awards (earned) before that are in the system" and the Alpha award "that was already in his record".  Are the actual handbooks associated with those awards in the member record and marked as complete?  The reason I ask is because the cumulative award triggering process does not look at previously received awards.  It only looks at the number of completed books. So the Excellence Award is triggered if there are two completed (qualifying) handbooks.  Likewise, if the system only finds one completed book, it will trigger the Alpha award.

I'm really curious about this because I know you've been using the database a long time, so I'd expect that your clubbers do have complete handbook history from prior years.  Knowing the assigned and completed handbooks for these clubbers will help in tracking down the problem.  Thanks!

As for the Trek Milestone Award, that is a book level award.  According to Awana HQ, this award can be earned multiple times, so we trigger it with completion of Trek 1 and Trek 2.   We have heard that some clubs choose to not award it if another award is earned by completion of one of those books (such as one of the cumulative awards).  We do trigger it for both books though, and you would need to delete it if you do not actually award it.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:43:26 PM by Annette »


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Re: Projecting Citation Awards on report
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2016, 03:17:44 PM »
So looking back, I think the I only had the awards entered in and not the books.  I guess that explains the 'error' in my DB.  These clubbers were ones that transferred in later in the club life and I guess I only entered the awards and not the books!

thanks for the info!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 01:45:15 PM by Annette »
Laura Uldrich
Awana Director/Commander
Frisco Bible Church
Frisco, TX