Community Contributions > Enhancement Requests
Journey/Trek daily activities
This post is applicable for the Cloud database as well as for the Legacy database.
With the new material (Journey: Disciples and Trek: His Story, His Love, & His People) there are daily activities for each Lesson. Would it be possible to add "Day 1" - "Day 7" as separate Sections to be checked off? We are trying to help motivate the Youth and believe that having those 7 Sections earn additional points they will strive to complete them each week.
It is assumed that completion of the Lesson includes completing all of the activities in the lesson, so points are only awarded when the section is completed. Tracking at that level of detail introduces quite a few other issues. So from a tracking and point triggering standpoint, we are not planning to do this.
That being said, we can see the practical value of awarding additional points and helping keep clubbers motivated. We recommend that you use the "other points" field on the check-in screen to enter a total of points earned for the week based on completing the daily activities. There is also a note field to record what the points are for if that is important to know.
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