Author Topic: How do I waive a fee?  (Read 11243 times)


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How do I waive a fee?
« on: January 03, 2017, 03:46:31 PM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Question: I am trying to waive a clubber's fees in the fees and dues portion of his individual record, but the program will not let me click on the "waive" box.  Is there a way to waive this clubber's fees?

Answer:  There is a button on the toolbar that looks like a piece of paper with a red X on it that allows you to waive the selected fee.  A fee must be selected for it to be enabled. So, select the row of the fee you would like to waive, then click the button in the toolbar.  A confirmation dialog will be displayed before the fee is waived.  There is also a right-click popup menu option of 'waive' that can be used once the fee is selected.

This can be done from the Member Form > Fees tab, or from the main Ledger > Fees grid.

Note: you may select multiple rows to perform the 'waive' process to multiple fees at once. This may be handy if you have a group of old fees that need to be waived.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:52:09 AM by Annette »