Author Topic: How can I get totals for different payment types for multiple weeks?  (Read 11263 times)


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This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Question: On the Receipts Report, if more than one date is chosen I don't get the summary information that I would like.  How can I get totals for multiple dates by payment type?

Answer: You can get this information from the Ledger grid.  Go to Ledger > Payments > Received.  Be sure to select "All Dates" in the toolbar.  Hide the columns you do not need (see this post:

Filter the Date Received column to show only selected dates to include. (See screen shot below.) Drag the "Type" column header up to the grouping area. This will group all of the check payments, cash payments, discounts, and waived payments with subtotals and a grand total at the bottom. (See the screen shot below.) Expand each payment type by clicking on the little pointer next to the type: (cash/check) line. The Expand button on the toolbar will show all of the payment details. The results may be printed (printer icon on the tool bar) or exported (gear icon and choose "export"). 
« Last Edit: September 12, 2023, 01:14:47 PM by Annette »