Author Topic: How can I change the points awarded for the various Check-in categories?  (Read 11524 times)

Rick Leffler

  • Guest
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Question: How do I change how many points clubbers receive for attendance and things like bringing a visitor?

Answer: Points for the attendance categories can be set under Admin > Club Setup > Club Names, Logos, Dues and Points. The grid shows a list of Clubs and the point values for each category. In the Legacy database, the grid is designed vertically with each club in a column. In the Windows app, the grid is designed horizontally with each club in a row and the check-in items in columns (like the Check-in grid) under the Headerband "Point Values". In both cases, make changes directly in the gird.

Note: Keep point values to small amounts such as 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, etc. Avoid really high point values like 1,000 or higher. This is important because the Total Points field is limited to a maximum value of 32,000.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:08:00 AM by Annette »