Author Topic: How can I reset a locked club that was checked-out to a secondary database?  (Read 9167 times)

Rick Leffler

  • Guest
This post only applies to the Legacy database!

Question:  It seems we have lost the USB flash drive that contains our Sparks club in a checked-out secondary database.  Since we can't check the secondary database back in, the Primary database still has all of our Sparks records locked.  How can we reset a locked club so it's no longer considered as checked out?

Answer: Log into the Primary database. Go to Admin > Database Utilities and open the Check-out/Check-in dialog. Click either button in Step 1, then in the Step 3 list of Existing Groups, right-click on the group that needs to be reset. From the popup menu, select "Reset and unlock all records in the selected Secondary db". This will release the locks in the Primary database.

Note: If a club IS RESET and the formerly lost USB flash drive is then found, it CANNOT be checked back in.  In that case, erase the Approved Workman folder on the secondary USB flash drive so no-one accidentally gets into that old copy of the database.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 10:53:54 AM by Annette »