Author Topic: A new User Guide is available!  (Read 14480 times)

Rick Leffler

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A new User Guide is available!
« on: October 09, 2011, 05:55:36 PM »
The new AWdb User Guide is now available.   :)

You can view the AWdb 5.1 User Guide several ways. The content is the same, but the presentation and access are different. It has a ton of useful information, so be sure to take a look!
The online/HTML version has the familiar left pane navigation tool which makes it easy to expand and collapse topics and get the big-picture view of the document. You can also use the hyperlinks to jump from one topic to another quickly. It can be accessed directly from the database by clicking on Help > Online User Guide.

A help file is included in the Approved Workman folder which allows access to a local copy by clicking Help > User Guide. If you do not have the file, use the Help > Download User Guide menu item. This takes you to our website. Go to the support section to download a copy of the .pdf file.

The .pdf version is also suitable for printing; but, be warned that it is over 200 pages so you may want to read it on-screen and only print selected pages.  If you open it on your computer you can click the links and jump from topic to topic.

To download the PDF version or access the online/HTML version, go to our website:

« Last Edit: August 31, 2023, 02:25:25 PM by Annette »


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Re: A new User Guide is available!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2015, 05:01:02 PM »
In version, an updated User Guide (AWdbUserGuide.pdf) is placed into the same folder as your ApprovedWorkman.exe file (which SHOULD be inside a folder named "Approved Workman" if AWdb is set up properly) and the old AWdbHelp.chm file is removed.

From the Help menu, choose "User Guide" to access the local pdf version, or "Online User Guide".  There is also a "Download User Guide" option which will take you to the Approved Workman website.

 The current version of the User Guide is 5.9.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 09:22:06 AM by Annette »