Author Topic: Snow Day Attendance  (Read 12005 times)


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Snow Day Attendance
« on: January 09, 2009, 11:57:09 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Legacy database as well as in the Cloud database's Windows App.

How does everyone enter a cancellation date (in our case due to snow)?  Do you just use the tool "Excuse all Club and SS absences for Club date chosen?" 

Thank you!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 12:07:01 PM by Annette »
Tina Holgate
Program Coordinator
Eastern Hills Bible Church
Manlius, NY


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Re: Snow Day Attendance
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2009, 01:15:29 PM »
In our case, we canceled, but created a make-up date the following week because it was our slam bang finish Merry Christmas club.  So, I eliminated the snow-day club date from the calendar, and adding a new date.

In your case, yeah, I'd probably use the excuse feature.   Quick easy and creates the result you need.
Saved at Awana in 1975!
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Cornerstone Baptist Awana Club

Rick Leffler

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Re: Snow Day Attendance
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2012, 02:11:24 PM »
If you have a snow day which results in everyone being absent, and you don't want the absences to interfere with Attendance Award calculations, you have two choices:

   1. You can delete that particular club date entirely. To do so, go to Admin > Club Setup > Club Calendars and use the "Add or Delete Dates" button in the toolbar.  This will remove the specified date and renumber all the weeks.

   2. You can excuse all of the absences. To do so , click the Action button (or right click in the grid) and then click Excuse > "Excuse the Club and SS Absences for all members for this week".

Personally, I favor deleting the entire club date so that other statistics like attendance averages aren't affected. Also, you won't have blank or zero values on some of the reports which could cause a little confusion down the road and make you wonder why there's no data showing for a given week.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2020, 10:38:16 AM by Annette »


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Re: Snow Day Attendance
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 01:08:52 PM »
To keep accurate records & to not get confused later about why your church chose to skip a week in September (for example), it may be worth considering a "Canceled" flag on a club calendar date.  Instead of totally deleting the date, we would then just mark it as canceled.  Then reports & attendance awards would need to ignore weeks marked as Canceled.

Not sure how much impact this would have throughout code though & if it would be worth it...
Sherri Meadows
Monument, CO

Rick Leffler

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Re: Snow Day Attendance
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 08:41:25 AM »
If we used a "Cancelled" flag, we'd also need to set the interface components on the Check-in grids, the Attendance grid of the Member form, and the Handbook sections grid of the member form to put them in a read-only mode so users wouldn't accidentally add data for any week that was cancelled.  This is do-able for sure, but I wonder if it is worth all the effort?  And, I wonder if that would open a different can-o-worms from a support standpoint because some users will get confused/frustrated when they forget about the snow day and they can't edit the various grids because they are read-only? 


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Re: Snow Day Attendance
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2012, 11:02:19 AM »
Or, similar to what we see now when we completely delete a snow date, we just wouldn't see anything in the grids for that week.  (Any query for getting session dates would just have to add a check for the canceled = True)  I guess the only difference from totally deleting the date would be that we'd have a record of the date in the calendar saying it was canceled.

On the other hand, we could just add a note in our Home page's note tab saying the same thing!

So, I'm not trying to convince you to implement it, just throwing it out there, since the question of how to handle a club cancellation has come up several times.  It would probably be more intuitive for users to have some kind of "Club Cancelled" button.  But still, may not be worth it.
Sherri Meadows
Monument, CO