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Q&A / Re: Award Triggering
« Last post by Secretary Sue on September 13, 2019, 08:04:40 PM »
What about kids who have that book assigned already but haven't earned any awards?
Q&A / Re: Award Triggering
« Last post by Annette on September 13, 2019, 08:21:32 AM »
Changing the award triggering only changes what triggers from that point.  It will not change the awards already earned, so you will need to make those changes.
Q&A / Award Triggering
« Last post by Secretary Sue on September 12, 2019, 10:23:31 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Legacy database as well as in the Cloud database's Windows App.

If I make adjustments in the award triggering (I just learned that something triggered incorrectly last night and I think I overlooked changing the order of patches for a handbook.) will it be updated in each clubber's records or do I need to open each one to make the change for each clubber in that book?
Q&A / Re: New T&T Books - Still divide club as UA and UC
« Last post by MaureenCooper on September 10, 2019, 09:23:22 PM »
It worked.  Thank you.
Q&A / Re: New T&T Books - Still divide club as UA and UC
« Last post by Annette on September 03, 2019, 10:30:01 AM »
You don't need to reassign the book. For each of your 6th graders, open the Member record and go to the Handbooks tab.  Make sure the 'Award Set' column is showing in the handbooks grid. That field has a dropdown selection that you can change to a different award set.  Select UC2 Emblems. Save and Close the record.

When the book is assigned, this field gets set to whatever the default setting is under Admin at the time. That's why it helps if you set that first and assign the books by grade/s based on the award set needed.
Q&A / Re: New T&T Books - Still divide club as UA and UC
« Last post by MaureenCooper on August 31, 2019, 07:19:04 PM »
We are doing the UA emblems to 3, 4, 5 graders.  Our 6th graders only will do the UC2 patches.  The Handbooks have already been assigned to the clubbers.  How do get the UC2 patches to come up for the 6th graders?  Do I need to unassign and then reassign?
Q&A / Re: New T&T Books - Still divide club as UA and UC
« Last post by Annette on August 28, 2019, 09:38:50 AM »
You can avoid opening each of the records to manually change the award set with a little strategy during book assignment.

Open the handbook record.  (In the Legacy database: Admin > Curriculum. In the Windows App: Admin > System Settings > Curriculum.) On the Cumulative Section Awards tab, there is a Default Award Set selection.  This is the award set that will be associated to the book when it is assigned. It defaults to the UA Emblems.  With it set to (UA) Emblems, go ahead and assign the book to all 3rd and 4th graders (but not 5th and 6th graders) that will use these awards.  Then, go back to the handbook record and set the default award set to UC1 emblems.  Assign books to 5th graders.  Those books will use the UC 1 emblems as the award set. Then change the default award set to UC2 emblems and assign the books to 6th graders. Those books will use the UC2 emblems.  You will only need to open the member record and make adjustments if a book inadvertently gets assigned with the wrong default.
Q&A / New T&T Books - Still divide club as UA and UC
« Last post by gilstadg on August 27, 2019, 10:54:44 PM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

The new T&T books are used for grades 3 - 6, but we still divide our clubs in grades 3-4 and 5-6. We also use the chevrons for  grades 3 and 4 and the UC badges for 5 and 6.  To do this, we have to manually change the award set for each 5th and 6th grader.

Is it possible to create a second entry for the books, something like "Discovery of Grace (UC)", so we can just select that version of the book and have the correct award set automatically?
Q&A / Re: Missing awards in Award List report
« Last post by Annette on May 02, 2019, 11:28:48 AM »
The dropdown menu will only be populated with awards that have actually been earned. To see all of the book awards earned (so far) this year: go to the main Awards tab; set the "On Date:" selection at the top to show All Dates; filter the Award Source column to show only "Book"; group by Description (which is basically the award name).  There probably aren't any Challenge or Timothy awards that have been earned.

If you think there is someone that earned / should have earned one of those specific awards and it's not in the award list, review the handbook tab for that clubber.  If the book is indeed completed, but the award didn't trigger, try unchecking a section and checking it again (be sure to set the date you want to use at the top).

If you are still seeing things you don't expect or have issues/questions, send an email to support so we can investigate your specific situation.
Q&A / Missing awards in Award List report
« Last post by DavidCrow on May 01, 2019, 09:29:26 PM »
Note: This question relates to the Legacy database but is also applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App.

On the v5.7.0.9 Award List report, I am not finding the Challenge Award/Pin or the Timothy Award/Pin.  Am I overlooking something?
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