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Q&A / Re: Change a Leader's Role
« Last post by Secretary Sue on December 02, 2019, 11:41:43 PM »
Thanks so much, Rick! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and will enjoy a Merry Christmas!
Q&A / Re: Change a Leader's Role
« Last post by Rick Leffler on December 02, 2019, 10:09:17 AM »
Open the individual member record, then double-click the Role record shown in lower left of the Member form. This will open the Role dialog where you can change the current Club Name assignment. Click Save and Close and the session (aka attendance) records will be updated to reflect the new club name from the current club date forward.  (Tip: If you want the club assignment change to be effective on a particular club date, make sure THAT is the date you have selected as the Current Club Date in the main toolbar.)
Q&A / Change a Leader's Role
« Last post by Secretary Sue on December 01, 2019, 11:03:38 PM »
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database's Windows App!

We've had some role changes - someone moving from one club & position to another. How do I make that change without creating a duplicate attendance record? I've tried to Archive or make Inactive the old role and make the new one Active but they both still show up for marking attendance and that is cumbersome and confusing when marking attendance. I'm sure I've not done something correctly!
Q&A / Re: Our main drive is down. Is there a way to access the database?
« Last post by Rick Leffler on November 18, 2019, 03:41:50 PM »
I'm guessing what you are saying is...  your live database is located on a network drive, and that network drive is not accessible?  If so, then you will not be able to access your data.

One option might be: locate your AWdb Backup file (ends with .bkp) which hopefully has been written to a USB flash drive, a local drive, or any other location than the usual live network drive.  If you can get the backup, you can restore that to your local C: drive and then you will be able to access all the data contained in the backup (hopefully it's recent).

If you can locate an AWdb Backup file and need help restoring it, please send email to: support (at) approvedworkman (dot) com.
Q&A / Our main drive is down. Is there a way to access the database?
« Last post by Rita Reagan on November 18, 2019, 10:16:06 AM »
Note: This post only applies to the Legacy database!

Is there any way I can access the Awana data base without going through our internal drive?  I need to print out reports and our system is set up to go through our s drive.
Q&A / Re: Database Updates
« Last post by Rick Leffler on October 31, 2019, 05:41:03 PM »
Yes. The Windows App (file name "AWdbRemote.exe") would need to be updated on each Windows computer.

Important: Be sure you have the AWdbRemote file located on the Windows DESKTOP and that it is launched from there, and not from the Downloads folder.  DELETE any instances of any AWdbRemote files from the Downloads folder. 

With the AWdbRemote file being launched from the Windows Desktop, this will ensure a nice smooth update in the future when we have another release as the old file will be replaced by the new one automatically.
Q&A / Database Updates
« Last post by MaureenCooper on October 31, 2019, 04:15:34 PM »
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database's Windows App!

When I update the web database on my computer, it did not update it on the 3 computers we use at church.  So I had to do the update on those 3 computers.  Is this the way it should be?
There are a few features from the Legacy database that are not enabled in the Cloud Database's Windows App. This is one of them. It is listed as an enhancement, so will be added as we have time.

In the meantime, this feature does work in the Web App.  If a section (or other check-in item like handbook, uniform, etc.) is marked, the attendance will be marked.

Many people who switch from the Legacy database primarily use the Windows App since it is familiar. I always encourage checking out the Web App also. It is especially well suited for use during club time. I've heard from people that came from the Legacy database that they actually prefer it for some tasks. :)

Update: version of the Windows App now automatically checks the attendance box when a section is completed.
Q&A / Automatic Attendance checked when recording completed sections - not working?
« Last post by hcc-mrm on October 18, 2019, 09:56:20 PM »
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database!

This was our first week using the Web version (had been using the Desktop version). In the desktop version, the Attendance Check Box would be automatically checked whenever you posted a completed section in the clubber's record. That did not happen this week with the Web version. I searched for an option that would turn this feature on or off, but couldn't find one. Is this not a feature in the Web version, or am I missing something?
Q&A / Re: Award Triggering
« Last post by Annette on September 16, 2019, 12:05:41 PM »
As long as it wasn't a change to the award set, it will trigger correctly.  Since you said 'order of patches' that should be fine.
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