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Q&A / Re: Delete or Erase the Notes Field
« Last post by Annette on February 13, 2020, 09:51:06 AM »
Sorry that we missed responding to this, but I thought it was still worth addressing this issue for anyone that is interested.

First, to clear the notes field, run the following statement using the SQL Workbench (In the Legacy database, under Admin > Database Utilities. In the Windows App, under Tools in the main menu bar): Update person set Notes = null.

Warning!! This will clear EVERYTHING in the Notes field for EVERYONE in the database.  If you have concerns about this, please contact customer support for assistance.

Second, if the "Non-parent Pickup" field is mapped during an import, the new information will replace the old information for those members that are imported. It does NOT clear the information for members that are not included in the import. I'm wondering if it would be helpful to include an option during the New Year Setup to clear that field, similar to the options given for clearing the permission-related fields.
Q&A / Re: Quarters in Club Calendar not updating
« Last post by Annette on February 13, 2020, 08:52:33 AM »
We do our best to evenly distribute the weeks into quarters during the New Year Setup, but even then we recommend that you check the quarter assignments.

When dates are added or deleted we opted not to recalculate the quarter information as it gets kind of complicated. For example, is it ok to change the quarter on a date that has already passed? Some people want one quarter to have fewer weeks if dates in that quarter were cancelled and some want them redistributed.  We decided it was safest to not mess with them and let each club handle it manually.  Adjustments can be made under Admin > Club Setup > Club Calendars.
Q&A / Quarters in Club Calendar not updating
« Last post by DavidCrow on February 12, 2020, 05:15:11 PM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

When our club year started last year, we had 31 weeks.  Since then, I've had to delete two club dates, bringing the total down to 29.  Instead of being distributed at 7 weeks each plus an extra one somewhere, they are: 6, 7, 6, and 10.
Tips / Create an Inventory Report
« Last post by Annette on February 03, 2020, 10:27:52 AM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

1. Click the Inventory > Items tab to display the grid of Inventory item records.

2. Select to show "Items we use" in the toolbar.

3.  Hide all columns except those you specifically want on the report. Note: "Actual Count" is a blank column to write in an item count on a printed report.

4. Rearrange, shorten/widen columns, sort, and filter as desired.

5. Click the Printer button in the toolbar to preview the output. Use the features of the preview screen to: "Fit to Page Width", change orientation using "Page Setup", and add a report title using "Format". 

6. Once it looks good, click "Print" or "Export To PDF".

For help customizing the grid (hiding columns, sorting, filtering, etc.), see this post:
FAQs / Can I archive an entire household?
« Last post by Annette on February 03, 2020, 10:18:38 AM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Question: We had a family move away and I want to archive the household. Is there a way to archive the entire household instead of opening each person's record?

Answer:There is not a menu item or button on the Household list to "Archive the Household"; however, it is pretty easy to effectively archive an entire family. Multi-select clubbers in the main Clubbers grid, then right click and select "Set Status to Archived".  If there are leaders in the household also, use the Check-in grid and first choose to show Clubbers and Leaders before multi-selecting. Once ALL members in the Household have a Status of Archived, then the Household Status is set to "Archived".

In general, keep in mind that the household status is determined by the statuses of the individual members. If there is only ONE member in the family and the status is "Inactive" or "Graduated", then the HH Status is set to the same.  If there are multiple members in the family and there is one member who is "Active" and others who are "Inactive" or "Graduated", then the HH Status would be "Active".

Note: in the Windows App, choose "Set Role Status" from the pop-up menu.
FAQs / Where are the Database Utilities in the Windows App?
« Last post by Annette on December 04, 2019, 10:09:19 AM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!

Question: Where is the Admin > Database Utilities tab?

Answer: The Windows App does not have a Database Utilities tab (under Admin) as most of the utilities are not needed.  Processes like Backups and Optimizing are done for you.  Processes that are still available, such as the Data Import and the SQL Workbench, are now located under the Tools menu on the main toolbar.
FAQs / Why doesn't my shortcut work anymore?
« Last post by Annette on December 04, 2019, 10:01:39 AM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!

Question: Why doesn't my shortcut work after I download an update?

Answer: the shortcut points to the specific version's executable. After the new version is downloaded, the old executable is deleted; so the shortcut no longer points to anything.

Instead of having a shortcut, put the exe on the desktop. (For additional help, see this post:
FAQs / How do I get the Cloud Database's Windows App?
« Last post by Annette on December 03, 2019, 11:36:24 AM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!


I got a new computer and I need to get the Windows App from my old computer to the new one. How do I do that?

Our new secretary needs to be able to run reports. How does she get the Windows App on her computer?

Answer: The Cloud Database's Windows App executable (AWdbRemote.exe) can be downloaded from our website, here: There is a 'Download Now' button as well as instructions.
Tips / Find out What's New
« Last post by Annette on December 03, 2019, 11:27:43 AM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!

After applying an update to the Windows App, get details on the "What's New" tab located on the Home Page. (See the screenshot).  It provides information on Enhancements and Fixes that were included in the update.
FAQs / How does the Windows App get updated?
« Last post by Annette on December 03, 2019, 11:21:09 AM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!

Question: How does the updating process work for the Windows App?

Answer: When there is an update available, a download button will be given immediately after logging in. When it is clicked, the old exe will be replaced with the newer one and the log in screen will be launched again.

The update process works best when the executable (AWdbRemote.exe) is on the desktop. Do NOT run the exe from the downloads folder or create a shortcut that points to the exe. (For help downloading the exe, see this post:

Note: the new exe will likely not be in the same spot on the desktop as the old one; but it will be there. Just move it back to where you like it.

The update cannot be skipped. It should be a simple process and only take an extra minute. If you experience trouble and this post doesn't help resolve it, please contact us so we can help!
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