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FAQs / How do I activate a member that is Archived?
« Last post by Annette on September 17, 2021, 12:18:33 PM »
This post only applies to the Cloud database!

Question: I have a clubber that attended sometime in the past but was archived. Now I need to make him active again, but I have no idea how to do that.

Answer: Most of the time a member's status is archived because there is not a role for the person in the latest club year. To activate the person, a role needs to be created.

Step 1: Locate the person.

In the Windows App, use the Search Members field in the far upper left corner (NOT Search Clubbers or Search Leaders above the grids). Type just a First Name OR a Last Name and press ENTER. If there is only one match, the member record will open. If there is more than one match, a dialog will open with a list of matching persons. Open the member record for the target person.

If you have multiple people to activate, use the Household module to locate members. Set the Show: selector to (All Statuses). Select the family in the list of households on the left. Then, select a member on the right to open the member record.

In the Web App, use the Search button (magnifying glass) next to the filter button in the main toolbar (NOT the search above the Member List). Begin typing a First Name OR a Last Name. Matches will be shown in a list. Select the target person to display his data.

Step 2: Add a role record. (Ensure the latest club year is selected in the Club Year dropdown).

In the Windows App, on the Main tab of the Member record, click the "New" button above the Roles grid in the lower left corner (or double-click in the grid) to open the Role dialog. Fill in the applicable information and save the record. Once a new role is created, the member will be included in the Clubber or Leader list.

In the Web App, go to the Personal tab and click the pencil to edit the record. Click the Add Role button. Fill in the applicable information and save the record.

Note: In some situations - generally later in a club year - a member may have a role in the current club year that has the status set to archived. In that case, the person can be activated by updating the status in the role from Archived to Active within either app.
Q&A / Re: Accessing "old" data
« Last post by Annette on July 14, 2021, 08:50:49 AM »
Historical data was migrated so that graduated person should be in your cloud database. In the Windows App (awdbremote.exe), use the Search at the very top - not the one right above the Clubbers grid. (See the screenshot.) Type in either the first OR last name. If there is only one match, the member form will open. If there is more than one match, there will be a dialog with all of the matches and then you can select the one you want. If you just need data from the record, you can print from the individual tabs. If this 'graduated' clubber is now going to be a leader, you need to create a role record. Once there is an active role record, the person's status will be updated.

If you still can't find the person, send an email to support with the specific name and we'll have a look.
Q&A / Accessing "old" data
« Last post by Secretary Sue on July 13, 2021, 12:43:53 PM »
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database!

How can I access data from before we switched to the cloud version? Specifically right now, I'm needing to access data from a clubber who "graduated" out of our Awana ministry several years ago.
Q&A / Re: legacy to cloud
« Last post by Annette on June 07, 2021, 09:47:09 AM »
There isn't a limit to the size of your database and you do not need to do any clean up of your data. All we need from you is a backup of your legacy database to migrate the data to a cloud database. Rick will send you an email with instructions for getting the backup to us and other details about the process. We think you will be happy making the switch!!
Q&A / legacy to cloud
« Last post by tkfunke on June 06, 2021, 02:31:25 AM »
We currenly are using the legacy system and I have finally been given permission to look into the web version.   ;D
I think that I have found most of my answers between the forum and the tutorials.
I have found that you can build my web base from my current legacy files which is great but is there a space
limit on how much data I can load?  We have been using the legacy system since 2009/2010 or so and have
some rather large files.   Do I need to go through and massage the data to remove some old records that are
not needed?

FAQs / What are the "w/Start Zone" books?
« Last post by Annette on September 30, 2020, 11:53:19 AM »
This post is applicable for the Cloud database as well as for the Legacy database.

Question: What is the difference between the "Discovery of Grace" book and the "Discovery of Grace w/Start Zone" book? Which one should I use?

Answer: For the newer T&T books, awards are given when 4 sections are completed. For the 32 sections that result in the 8 awards, 2 are in the Start Zone and 30 are in the main handbook. Awana indicates that completion of the Start Zone is required before beginning work in the main handbook. Therefore, when 2 sections are completed in the main handbook (i.e. Discovery of Grace), it is assumed the 2 Start Zone sections have already been completed and the first award triggers.

We heard from many clubs that it was not uncommon for a clubber to work in the main handbook before completing the entrance book, so the award that triggered after 2 sections in the main handbook was not accurate since the 2 Start Zone sections had not actually been completed.

We also heard that it would be easier to assign one book that included the Start Zone sections instead of assigning a separate Start Zone.

The result was the new "w/Start Zone" versions of the books. These books have 32 sections - the 2 Start Zone sections and the 30 main handbook sections. The first award will trigger after any 4 sections are completed without consideration of it being a Start Zone section or a section in the main handbook.

If I use the "w/Start Zone" version, will my inventory counts be updated correctly? Yes. The inventory count will be reduced for the matching Start Zone's inventory record (based on translation).  (i.e., for "Discovery of Grace w/Start Zone - ESV", the quantity in stock will be reduced for "Mission: Discovery of Grace - ESV" as well for the "T&T Start Zone Entrance Booklet - ESV".)

Should I use the "w/Start Zone" version? This decision is dependent on how your club is run. Here are some considerations:

1. If completion of the Start Zone is always required, there will not be any issues with the award triggering by assigning the separate Start Zone and main handbook.

Example: for a visitor, assign the Start Zone by itself. Then, when it is completed, assign the original version of the main handbook.

2. If completion of the Start Zone is not required, or a clubber begins working in the main handbook first, use the "w/Start Zone" version so it accurately counts 4 sections before triggering the first award. Caution: if the clubber doesn't actually get the handbook, be careful about options for creating fees and reducing inventory.

Example: at the beginning of the year, for returning clubbers who will complete the Start Zone sections and continue in the main handbook (who have probably already purchased the main handbook), assign the "w/Start Zone" version with the appropriate inventory reduction and fee creation.

Do all my clubbers need to use the same version of the book? No. Some clubbers can be assigned the "w/Start Zone" version and others assigned separate Start Zones and handbooks based on the situation. Just keep in mind the implications for the different way the sections are counted for awards.
Q&A / Re: Windows Client - Read-Only
« Last post by Annette on September 29, 2020, 09:30:06 AM »
Are you saying that you can't change the Status of a person (who is currently "Graduated") because the Status is read-only?  If so, I'm guessing this is a graduated clubber who is now going to be a leader so you need to activate the record again.  In the Windows App the status is derived based on the role for the current year.  A graduated person would not have a role in the current year.  What you need to do is create one.  On the Main tab of the Member form, in the Roles grid, double click to add a role. Complete the dialog and Save and Close. The Status will now be set to Active since the person has an active role in the current club year.

If that doesn't take care of it, give me more details on what is read-only that you need to edit.
Q&A / Windows Client - Read-Only
« Last post by Secretary Sue on September 29, 2020, 06:02:45 AM »
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database!

What are the steps to take in Windows Client to change a clubber's records from read-only to editable? In this case I was working on a graduated clubber.
Q&A / Re: Divorced parents = child has 2 homes = need to email both parents
« Last post by DebLiveOak on September 28, 2020, 09:50:44 AM »
That did work. For some reason, I assumed it would only pull the "primary" email and never ran it for the purpose of verifying that assumption. But I just ran it and saw both parents in the email box. And I also verified that if I run a clubber report for their Awana leader it will also show both phone numbers and email addresses. Now to just figure out the mailing address.   ;D
Q&A / Re: Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Last post by MaureenCooper on September 24, 2020, 07:49:46 PM »
That did it.  Honestly, I don't know what I did previously.  I can't even find it now.  Thank you so much.
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