Author Topic: Cumulative Sections and Awards  (Read 5766 times)


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Cumulative Sections and Awards
« on: September 24, 2020, 11:57:10 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

I forgot to set up the T&T Awards sequence when I set up for the new year.  I didn't realize it until the first award last night.  So later I set up my sequence.  I also went in and changed all the clubbers' award to Red, which is what we give for the first award.  The system gave them the Blue.  However, it is not triggering what I set up.  I also went in to each clubbers' Award Set and they all said Emblems.  When I set up the award sequence, there was no Emblems choice.  I had to type it in. I even deleted a handbook for a new clubber who hadn't done a section yet and then reassigned the handbook.  I clicked the first 4 sections to see if it would trigger the correct award.  It did not.  What am I doing wrong? 
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:18:28 AM by Annette »
Maureen Cooper
Tri-City Church, Vista CA


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Re: Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2020, 01:27:07 PM »
I'm not sure what you are doing wrong since you didn't give many details on where/how you were changing the sequence. The fact that you aren't seeing the Emblems as a choice tells me you're probably not in the right place. I assume you are using the new Grace in Action (2020) books (or the w/Start Zone version).  In that case, here is where you should be changing the information:

Go to Admin > System Settings > Curriculum and open the generic book record. Then, go to the Cumulative Section Awards Tab. The default award set is probably Emblems.  For the emblems, the default order of triggering is blue, green, red, yellow. To trigger red first, change the record for section count of 4. Then change section count of 8 to the one you want to trigger next, etc.  You can also change the order for the UC1 Emblems and the UC2 Emblems if you are using those.

If this doesn't get the job done for you, give me some details on where you are changing information and I'll investigate.

[Note: for the Legacy database, go to Admin > Curriculum.]
« Last Edit: March 21, 2022, 09:26:53 AM by Annette »


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Re: Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2020, 07:49:46 PM »
That did it.  Honestly, I don't know what I did previously.  I can't even find it now.  Thank you so much.
Maureen Cooper
Tri-City Church, Vista CA

Secretary Sue

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Re: Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2022, 01:30:04 PM »
Hi Annette - I am trying to follow these instructions to change the order of some UC2 emblems and keep getting error messages and can't continue. How exactly do we go about "change the section count"? When I try to change the number, an error message appears and I can't continue.


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Re: Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2022, 09:44:33 AM »
Hi Sue - you shouldn't be changing the section count. You should only be changing the Award: click in the Award Name field and select the award you would like for each record (based on the section counts of 2, 6, 10, etc.).

A little explanation: with the main T&T books, it is assumed that the Start Zone has been completed (2 sections, per Awana guidelines) so the first award triggers after 2 sections in the main book and every 4 after that. If your clubbers start work in the main book without completing the Start Zone (so awards are triggering too soon), the solution is to assign the "w/Start Zone" version of the book. This version of the book has the start zone sections included and the first award triggers after any 4 sections are completed. If you open the generic book record for Discovery of Grace w/Start Zone, you will see that the awards trigger for section counts 4, 8, 12, etc.

If this doesn't resolve your issue, please send an email to support with details of what you want to trigger differently. We'll help get it set up for you.