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Community Contributions => Q&A => Topic started by: Raymond Robbins on May 20, 2018, 01:56:24 PM

Title: Bible Readings for Trek
Post by: Raymond Robbins on May 20, 2018, 01:56:24 PM
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Is there a reason that the Bible Readings are not broken down into each book that needs to be read for Trek?  I see that is how the Journey curriculum is done, but not Trek; there's simply a "Bible Readings" box.

Would it be possible to break down the Bible Readings for Trek?
Title: Re: Bible Readings for Trek
Post by: Annette on May 23, 2018, 04:06:46 PM
You can assign a separate Bible Reading 'book' for Trek students to track the individual books of the Bible.

In the Legacy database: go to Admin > Curriculum (in the Windows App: Admin > System Settings > Curriculum). Filter the records for the Trek club. There are a couple variations for the Trek Bible Readings - based on a 2-year or 3-year plan. Open the ones you use and mark a translation as 'in use' (matching your club's default translation).

Then, use the Assign Handbook process to assign the 'book' to a clubber. When all of the books of the Bible sections are completed in this 'book' it will automatically mark the Bible Reading section in the main Trek handbook.
Title: Re: Bible Readings for Trek
Post by: roscom on June 27, 2018, 12:37:23 PM
The reason behind the need to assign the Trek Bible readings separately is that they can be completed on either a 2-year plan or a 3-year plan.  The Bible readings are not tied to a specific Trek Book.  If you look in the back of each Trek book, you will see the options.  Some clubs have a 2-year Trek program and some have a 3-year program.

In addition, students who start Trek "late", have the option to catch up on Bible readings at their own pace is they are Citation bound.