Author Topic: Training Data Set  (Read 7133 times)


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Training Data Set
« on: August 06, 2011, 08:40:26 PM »
Note: This post only applies to the Legacy database!

I am interested in setting up training "module" for some of our newer secretaries so that they can "play" with the program and data without potentially corrupting or altering the main database.    We currently run the database through our church's wireless network off of the main computer in the Awana office. I initially thought about setting up an "AW Database Training" directory with a copy of last year's data in it for them to work through.  Because the program defaults to the real database with each login, I thought this might be the easiest and with less confusion. Does anyone have any thoughts (or regrets/lessons learned) on doing something like this?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:38:04 AM by Annette »

Rick Leffler

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Re: Training Data Set
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 07:16:36 AM »
I think this is a good idea to have a separate training database.  A few things to keep in mind in this scenario:

1. When you launch the approvedworkman.exe it will look for the nearest nested \Data folder. So, on your 'server' PC that stores your 'official' live database... you should have a folder named "Approved Workman". Inside THAT folder should be the approvedworkman.exe file and the \Data subfolder.  No software should be installed on any workstation, just a desktop shortcut that points to the approvedworkman.exe file on the 'server'.

2. To set up a duplicate of your database for training purposes, manually create another folder somewhere like you suggested and name it something like "AWdb Training" and then just copy the entire Approved Workman folder and paste it into that new AWdb Training folder.  Then, create a new desktop shortcut that points to the approvedworkman.exe file in that training folder.  Rename the shortcut to "AWdb Training".  That way users can launch the shortcut for training and you can be more confident they will get into the 'other' non-live database.

3. On the training database, change the photo on the Login screen to something different so they can see immediately that they're in a particular copy of the database (live versus training).
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 07:19:49 AM by Rick Leffler »


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Re: Training Data Set
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2011, 08:53:37 PM »
Thanks for the practical advice on setting this up...I'll try to let you know how it goes.



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Re: Training Data Set
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 07:22:05 PM »
Had a great time on Wed night with the training data set...your suggestions were very helpful to set it up and ensure that data was not being altered in the live database. I restored an older backup from partway through the year so they had some data to work with. I think it was a big help to the secretaries and directors as they were able to get comfortable and familiar with the many things that the db is able to do.  I did take your suggestion to rename the desktop shortcut to AWdb Training and changed the picture to a bicycle with training wheels!!  :)

BTW, the new layout of the db is great and look forward to showing it off the secretaires next week at part 2 of our training.


Rick Leffler

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Re: Training Data Set
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 08:42:37 PM »
Thanks for letting us know. If you (or anyone reading this post) have some general advice about HOW to train and/or what works best please share your ideas.


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Re: Training Data Set
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 06:58:46 AM »
Training Week 2 Update...

As described, we were able to set up a training module for our secretaries and directors which was VERY helpful.  I had a main computer hooked up to a projector and each secretary had their own laptop to work off of.  I came up with a list of "tasks" that I wanted them to accomplish (e.g. log in, change passoword, customize skin, customize tabs and layouts for each module, etc.).  I then walked them through each task on the training database data and through various scenarios (adding a clubber, assigning a book, check-in, etc).  We finished up by walking through our pre-club registration process and how we want that to run.  Between the two weeks, we spent about 3+ hours going over the db (however, some of it the second week was repeat for those who weren't there the first week).

Overall, the feedback was really good.  It helped having the computer for them to watch and then the opportunity to practice it on their own w/o fear of messing up the database.  I am planning on distributing the User Guide to the secretaries to review and having one more session for them to set up their accounts in the live database next week.

Thanks for your advice and help setting this up.