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Combining Households


Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Inadvertently, last year we duplicated some households - each with a different clubbers, but same household information.  I don't seem to be able to move a clubber to the other household.  I have tried to assign clubber to different household, but after I do, they do not seem to be there, so I hesitate to delete household.  Is there a way I  can "combine" households?

Rick Leffler:
You should be able to use the "Assign Hh" button in the toolbar of the Member form to select a particular househod to 'move' that member into.  If you have more than one Household Name with the same value (e.g. "Smith Family") you should edit each of the Smith households to make their names more descriptive like "Smith Family - John and Susan", that way you will be able to select the correct new household in the Assign Household dialog, as well as on other reports etc.

If I do that and I then want to delete the "extra" household, it deletes the record of the member that was "moved", right?  I was just trying to clean up the database as I have inherited it from the previous secretary. If I can't actually transfer the member and date to the other household that is fine, I'll just work with it. I'm enjoying 3.1.

Rick Leffler:
When you use the "Assign Hh" button to move a member from one household to another, if the household the member was moved FROM does not contain any other members it is deleted automatically for you.


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