AW Cloud Database - Windows App version 5.5.6

Basic Check-In

Basic Check-In

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Basic Check-In

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The Check-in Module includes the functionality most used during club time. It has three sections: Attendance, Handbooks, and Totals. It handles data entry for attendance, dues, and handbook sections; calculates points; triggers awards; and provides valuable summary information. This section covers basic information for check-in. For more details, see the Check-in Module.

To begin, make sure the Club Date is set correctly on the Main Window.

On the Attendance tab, select a member’s row. Check boxes for items related to Attendance, Other Items, Dues, Offering, and Misc. Points.


For quicker data entry, select multiple members. Use the right click pop-up menu option to Set Attendance > Present for the group. Filter, sort and/or group records first to help with selections.


Speed Check (double check mark icon on the toolbar) marks additional items when the attendance box is marked. Set preferences under Admin > System Settings > Options  > Check-In.


Attend - Club and Church (Sunday School) attendance; Excuse Club / Church Absence
Other Items - a member wore a uniform, brought a Bible or handbook, or earned the bonus (such as participating in theme night). The Note field can be used for additional information; for example, details related to 'Other' points.


Two additional check boxes can be customized using the "Edit Custom Fields" button on the toolbar under Admin > Club Setup > Club Names, Logos, Dues and Points.


Visitors - includes visitors added for the selected member using the Add a Visitor process.

Dues  - dues were Paid. Amt Pd defaults to the weekly dues amount, but can be changed.


this should only be money for DUES since a cash payment is created for the DUES FEE on the Household Ledger. For other payments, enter the amount in the Household Ledger.

Offering - Amount given that is not for dues or other fees. Offerings are credited to the designated Offering Fund for the selected week and club. Set designations under Admin > Club Setup > Club Calendars.
Misc. Points - points earned from Games or Other reasons. Positive or negative numbers can be used. Spent points reflect deductions for Club Store purchases.
Status bar -  located below the grid. Check the box to "Suppress Award Messages".


For more information about suppression of award messages, see the section on creating and assigning Awards.


On the Handbooks tab, click on a member’s row to display the current handbooks in the handbook sections grid. When the Done box is checked, the Date of completion defaults to the Current Club Date but can be changed. Awards earned are triggered and a message is displayed.


For clubs that work on the same section (Cubbies or T&T), group records by Primary book and filter for Attend = True. Select multiple members and mark a section completed. Selected members' handbooks will be updated.

The Totals tab provides read-only summary information for the current club date:

Sections - count of required sections, required points, count of extra credit sections, and extra credit points
Subtotal - summary of points: from sections, general categories (attendance, Bible, book, etc.), and spent
Total - summary of Sections, Points for the club date, and Net Points