Community Contributions > Enhancement Requests

Registration Form customization

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You could print out your registration forms.  Put them back in the printer and then print what you want on the back.

We do a separate Cost Worksheet and then file those separately.

That is what we currently do now.  The reason for the request is to eliminate that manual step, thus streamlining the process and print only once.

Thanks for the details.  We have had quite a few requests for different ways to customize the Registration Report.  We will likely need to allow a two page format to accommodate all of the items. We talked about it briefly but didn't have a chance to figure out how it would work and implement it.  After reading your comments, I like the idea of the basic personal/family information on a page and the Office Use (or Cost Worksheet type info) on a separate page (that could be printed separately or on the back).

We will add your comments to the enhancement list for this report.


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