Author Topic: Accessing previous year's records after running New Year Setup  (Read 5448 times)


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Note: This post addresses differences between the Cloud database and the Legacy database for this specific situation.

Hi all,
This is the second year I have run into difficulty getting ready for the new club year.  I have already run the New Year Setup in which I asked for all clubbers/leaders status' to be reset to inactive.

What I don't understand is, why can't I choose last year's club year at the top (2017-2018) and still have access to reports and such to show me who was active last year? 

For example:  Our new trek director is now looking for names and email contact lists for all new clubbers coming into trek as well as those who attended trek last year and will remain this year.  (essentially those who will be in grade 7 and 8 this coming year).  I can't easily search for this because grades are reset and status is reset as well.  If I had the option of seeing who was in grade 6 and 7 last year and an active clubber this would be very simple.  Instead I am forced to go down the list of kids by birthyear/age and try to remember who was an active clubber last year.  Very frustrating!

Am I missing something?

Kerri Pierce
« Last Edit: March 24, 2022, 11:23:45 AM by Annette »


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Re: Accessing previous year's records after running New Year Setup
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2018, 10:16:35 AM »
This one is a little complicated to answer since it looks like you have recently switched from the Legacy database to the Cloud database.

In the Legacy database, you can set the status for a person (and reset it during NYS). That information is stored as a part of the person's record, thus the status only reflects what it is at any given moment. It doesn't store that information historically. The grade is handled the same way.

This works differently in the Cloud database.  A person's status is determined by the status of all roles in the current club year; but a status for each role (in each year) is stored. That may sound confusing, but it means better historical information. You can see that someone had an active role one, or two, or three years ago, even if the person's status is currently inactive (or archived or anything else). The Cloud database also stores the grade with the role for each year for a better historical picture.

Unfortunately, the reports are not designed to handle this historical information yet as they are based on the same reports from the Legacy database. We will eventually make changes to better access this historical data we now track.

The Windows App will show previous year role information on the Member record's Roles tab. Each year's role record tracks a status and grade. (Since grades weren't tracked historically in the Legacy database, any migrated data will not have the historical grade information. We were able to determine a status for most historical roles based on the session/attendance records.) We do intend to add a Main Tab for analyzing Roles (like the Main Tabs for Clubbers and Leaders) which would provide options for gathering information like you want. We are heading in that direction, but not quite there yet!

Next year, you will be able to see the role status and grade from this club year as historical data. We hope by then you'll also have improved tools to take advantage of that information!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2022, 11:24:40 AM by Annette »


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Re: Accessing previous year's records after running New Year Setup
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2018, 08:03:10 PM »
Great!  Thank you so much!