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Q&A / Re: Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Last post by Annette on September 24, 2020, 01:27:07 PM »
I'm not sure what you are doing wrong since you didn't give many details on where/how you were changing the sequence. The fact that you aren't seeing the Emblems as a choice tells me you're probably not in the right place. I assume you are using the new Grace in Action (2020) books (or the w/Start Zone version).  In that case, here is where you should be changing the information:

Go to Admin > System Settings > Curriculum and open the generic book record. Then, go to the Cumulative Section Awards Tab. The default award set is probably Emblems.  For the emblems, the default order of triggering is blue, green, red, yellow. To trigger red first, change the record for section count of 4. Then change section count of 8 to the one you want to trigger next, etc.  You can also change the order for the UC1 Emblems and the UC2 Emblems if you are using those.

If this doesn't get the job done for you, give me some details on where you are changing information and I'll investigate.

[Note: for the Legacy database, go to Admin > Curriculum.]
Tips / Better Security
« Last post by Annette on September 24, 2020, 12:45:18 PM »
This post is applicable for the Cloud database as well as for the Legacy database.

When a commander or secretary sets up a database user account for a leader, it is common to assign a generic password for the leader to use to get started. However, it also seems common that the leader never changes that password. This can be a problem, especially if the same generic password is given to everyone starting out. Here are a couple of tips for increasing the security for access to your data:

1. Create a unique password for each person. When initially creating user accounts, do NOT use the same password for everyone! It should be relatively easy to get them started, but don't use the same pattern for everyone (like First Name followed by 123). Get creative and use books of the Bible, or colors, or flowers, in combination with unique characters or numbers. It can be simple to remember without being predictable or the same for everyone.

2. Each user should change the initial password once they log in. In the Legacy database or the Windows App, click on Tools and select "Change Password".  In the Web App, click on the User Name in the upper right to access the dropdown menu, then select "My Account" and check the box next to "Update password".

3. If a user forgets a password, an administrator can change the password (following the recommendations above) and tell the user the new password.  In this situation also, the user should then change the password.

4. Each person that uses the database should have a unique log in. We highly recommend NOT using generic log ins (like "Sparks 1" and "Sparks 2"). While the generic accounts may seem efficient, it does not protect the personal data in your database well. In the Cloud Database, it could result in a second person logging in with the same account causing the first person to be logged out. Create as many user accounts as needed. The license count (Legacy) or the subscription level (Cloud) only limits the number of users that can use the database at the same time.

5. Limit Access. For the Legacy database, a user account can be setup as an Administrator or a regular "User". Regular users will not have access to the Admin functionality.

For Cloud databases, both the Windows App and the Web App allow limiting access by setting user permissions. Regardless of where the User account is setup, we recommend reviewing the permission settings in both the Web App and the Windows App as there are settings unique to each app.

For details on permissions in the Web App see these articles:

Permissions for the Windows App can be set under Admin > Users by opening the User record and going to the Permissions tab.

Your Awana families trust you with their personal information.  Please be diligent in honoring that trust by adequately controlling access to your database through appropriate user accounts and permissions as well as enforcing password security.
Q&A / Cumulative Sections and Awards
« Last post by MaureenCooper on September 24, 2020, 11:57:10 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

I forgot to set up the T&T Awards sequence when I set up for the new year.  I didn't realize it until the first award last night.  So later I set up my sequence.  I also went in and changed all the clubbers' award to Red, which is what we give for the first award.  The system gave them the Blue.  However, it is not triggering what I set up.  I also went in to each clubbers' Award Set and they all said Emblems.  When I set up the award sequence, there was no Emblems choice.  I had to type it in. I even deleted a handbook for a new clubber who hadn't done a section yet and then reassigned the handbook.  I clicked the first 4 sections to see if it would trigger the correct award.  It did not.  What am I doing wrong? 
Tips / Learn about Working with Grids
« Last post by Annette on September 23, 2020, 10:38:21 AM »
This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Understanding all of the ways a grid can be customized will greatly enhance the use of the database. Learning how to customize a grid and manipulate the data in a grid can help improve the efficiency of data entry, provide helpful information about the data, and allow creation of custom 'ad-hoc' reports.

See this video to learn about working with grids:
Announcements / User Guide for the Cloud Database's Windows App is available!
« Last post by Annette on September 23, 2020, 09:42:02 AM »
There is now a User Guide available specifically for the AW Cloud Database's Windows App!!  :)

You can view the AWdb 5.5 Windows App User Guide several ways. The content is the same, but the presentation and access are different. It has a ton of useful information, so be sure to take a look!
The online/HTML version has the familiar left pane navigation tool which makes it easy to expand and collapse topics and get the big-picture view of the document. You can also use the hyperlinks to jump from one topic to another quickly. It can be accessed directly from the database by clicking on Help > Online User Guide.

There is also a PDF version available which is suitable for printing; but, be warned that it is over 200 pages so you may want to read it on-screen and only print selected pages.  If you open it on your computer you can click the links and jump from topic to topic.

The PDF version and the online/HTML version are both available from our website:
Q&A / Divorced parents = child has 2 homes = need to email both parents
« Last post by DebLiveOak on September 23, 2020, 09:05:49 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

I've read all the posts I could find regarding multiple emails but didn't see this asked or answered. We have multiple children that spend 50% of their time with each parent. Both parents want to receive communications from us. I've not found an EASY way to do this. Selecting the primary email means it only goes to that parent. If they aren't "friendly" then they don't share with the other parent.   :-\
If there's an SQL workbench for this, I would LOVE to have it.
Q&A / Re: Filter - Clubber / Leader
« Last post by Secretary Sue on September 16, 2020, 03:47:58 PM »
You guessed correctly! Thank you!
Q&A / Re: Filter - Clubber / Leader
« Last post by Annette on September 16, 2020, 01:45:14 PM »
I'm going to make a guess on this.  If you're on the Web App and click the filter button, be sure to check the box that says "A member must have a session (check-in) record on the current club date in order to be matched by filters." If that box isn't checked, you are limited to filtering on just a few fields related to the person. By checking that box, it expands the filter selections for items that are tracked for each club date (session). (While it might seem like 'clubber' or 'leader' relates to the person, keep in mind that one person can have a role of clubber and another role of leader - Student Leaders - so this is related to the role and tracked in the session data.)

Most of the time you will want that box checked.  You should uncheck it when you need to apply the filter to ALL the people in your database - including graduated and archived members that don't have weekly session records in the current club year. Usually you would do this to find a specific person that has been archived or is 'missing' that you're sure is in the database somewhere!

If I guessed wrong, give me some more details.
Q&A / Filter - Clubber / Leader
« Last post by Secretary Sue on September 16, 2020, 01:33:50 PM »
Note: This post only applies to the Cloud database's Web App!

When I select the Filter I don't see an option to choose Clubber or Leader. Does this option exist? I thought it did but can't find it!
Q&A / Re: Color Teams on Check-in Report
« Last post by mvbiblechurch on September 09, 2020, 03:12:12 PM »
Thank you!  I will double check.  I did think that the color would show after each child.
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