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Videos / How to Create Ad-hoc Reports
« Last post by Annette on March 26, 2020, 11:00:41 AM »
All information regarding ad-hoc reporting is applicable in the Cloud database's Windows App as well as in the Legacy database.

Sometimes you need information that is not readily available with the formal reports.  In that case, you can often get the information you need through an ad-hoc report.  Ad-hoc reports are created by customizing a grid and then printing or exporting the data.  This video uses an example of getting a list of clubbers who have attended at least once during the club year.
Q&A / Re: during Covid . . . kids passing sections at home
« Last post by DebLiveOak on March 25, 2020, 10:49:03 AM »
Thanks!!   ;D
Q&A / Re: during Covid . . . kids passing sections at home
« Last post by Annette on March 25, 2020, 10:45:46 AM »
[Note: I believe you are a Cloud database customer, so I am answering based on that. For Legacy database customers, there is an option under Admin > Options > Check-in to turn off the auto-check Club Attendance.]

As with many other new situations we are all navigating, we never anticipated clubbers saying verses remotely!

We do already have a request to make this an optional setting (like it was in the Legacy database).  We will see what we can do.

In the meantime, the best work-around is to clear the attendance for days you know you didn't meet. There is a quick and easy way to do this in the Windows App. On the main Check-in grid, set the club date at the top to a week you did not meet (like 3/24).  Filter the Attend Club column to show any that are true. With focus in the grid, press Ctrl+A to select all records. Then, right click to get the pop-up menu. There is an option to Set Attendance > Not Present.  When you select that, there will be a confirmation.  Click Yes and all of the attendance will be cleared.

[Note: there is also an option in the pop-up to Excuse attendance if any clubs want to go that route. A caution on this option: if you excuse all of the attendance, then mark a section on that date, it will override the excused absence and mark the attendance.]
Q&A / during Covid . . . kids passing sections at home
« Last post by DebLiveOak on March 24, 2020, 02:52:28 PM »
Note: This post generally applies to the Cloud database's Windows App. See note below regarding the Legacy database.

We are continuing to let kids pass sections while in isolation. We're using Facebook private group for parents to submit pics or video and they can also call their listener to say a verse over the phone. So I need to record the sections but not the attendance. Is there a way to turn off the attendance automatically being checked? I never thought I'd ask that because I really, really love that feature on a normal basis. But for the time being, I would love to be able to turn it off instead of logging sections and then unchecking attendance.
Q&A / Re: How to find a clubber with non-Primay E-mail?
« Last post by ckim551 on March 04, 2020, 06:05:45 PM »
That worked perfectly. Thank you for quick reply.
Q&A / Re: How to find a clubber with non-Primay E-mail?
« Last post by Rick Leffler on March 04, 2020, 05:21:18 PM »
You can use the SQL workbench under the Tools menu to find which household the email address in question belongs to.  Type (or copy/paste) the following statement into the SQL Workbench and replace "" with the actual email address you're looking for:

select h.filing_name as Household, c.display_as, c.contact_person  from household h, communication c
where c.household_id = and display_as = ''
Q&A / How to find a clubber with non-Primay E-mail?
« Last post by ckim551 on March 04, 2020, 03:03:13 PM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Legacy database as well as in the Cloud database's Windows App.

I've sent out an email to parents and got some returned email due to wrong email address.
I've got the email list using Gather Email Addresses.

Apparently the wrong email address is not a Primary Email.
How do I find out which clubber that wrong email address belong to?

Q&A / Re: Inventory report
« Last post by Annette on February 25, 2020, 10:37:37 AM »
You can create an ad-hoc report from the main Inventory grid.  You will probably want to hide most of the columns.  Then, filter the "Qty In Stock" column. Click the filter button and choose 'custom', then select 'does not equal' from the dropdown and enter 0 (zero) in the field next to that.  (See screen shot below). Click OK.  Now you have a list of only items where you have some in stock.

Now, you can either export the data using the grid options (button with the gear) or click on the printer icon to print a copy. Below is a screenshot of the print preview using the 'Fit to Page Width' option in the header.  There are other options to customize the report before you print it.

I recommend showing the 'Actual Count' column so you can take the printed report and compare the Qty in Stock amount to what you actually have in your supply cabinet!

[Note: the screenshots are from the Legacy database, but it works the same way in the Windows App.]
Q&A / Inventory report
« Last post by Barb@OakGroveFWBC on February 25, 2020, 09:49:42 AM »
Note: This post is applicable in the Legacy database as well as in the Cloud database's Windows App.

Is there a way to produce a separate inventory report that just shows what you actually have in stock, and nothing else.
Q&A / Re: Delete or Erase the Notes Field
« Last post by Annette on February 13, 2020, 09:51:06 AM »
Sorry that we missed responding to this, but I thought it was still worth addressing this issue for anyone that is interested.

First, to clear the notes field, run the following statement using the SQL Workbench (In the Legacy database, under Admin > Database Utilities. In the Windows App, under Tools in the main menu bar): Update person set Notes = null.

Warning!! This will clear EVERYTHING in the Notes field for EVERYONE in the database.  If you have concerns about this, please contact customer support for assistance.

Second, if the "Non-parent Pickup" field is mapped during an import, the new information will replace the old information for those members that are imported. It does NOT clear the information for members that are not included in the import. I'm wondering if it would be helpful to include an option during the New Year Setup to clear that field, similar to the options given for clearing the permission-related fields.
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